
Our world-renowned breast cancer experts deliver individualized, comprehensive and compassionate care to breast cancer patients.

Female doctor with female patient

Why choose UCLA Health for breast cancer care?

我们通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心(JCCC)提供乳腺癌治疗. JCCC是美国国立卫生研究院认可的53个创新癌症研究和临床护理癌症中心之一. 

我们的乳腺癌护理专家在您的健康旅程中提供坚定不移的支持. 请相信我们:

  • 乳腺癌方面的专业知识: Our specialists are passionate about leading-edge, innovative care. 我们提供最先进的预防、诊断和治疗方案.
  • Compassionate, collaborative care: We partner with you and your family in the decision-making process. 我们确保您有您需要权衡您的护理选择的所有信息.
  • 获得创新研究: 作为一个学术医疗中心, 我们为患者提供参加最新临床试验的机会,研究新的治疗方法. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康研究导致FDA批准赫赛汀®,一种领先的乳腺癌治疗. 而圣莫尼卡的帕克赛德诊所是我们乳腺癌研究的主要诊所, many of our clinical trials are also available at our satellite locations.
  • 方便: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心在近20家靠近工作或家庭的流动癌症护理诊所提供乳腺癌护理. 皇冠hga020电脑版实践是JCCC的一部分,提供有效的以患者为中心的护理. We operate three breast multidisciplinary clinics — in Santa Monica, 比佛利山庄和圣塔克拉丽塔-通过将专家预约合并为一次介绍性就诊,简化了乳腺癌护理, scheduled by a patient navigator. 为了方便起见,您还可以通过我们的患者门户网站询问问题和安排预约, myUCLAhealth.


你的护理团队包括不同的专家,他们一起工作,提供高质量的护理. 专家可能包括:

  • 医学肿瘤学家: 专门用药物治疗癌症的医生,在你的癌症治疗过程中担任你的主治医生.
  • 放射肿瘤学家: 专门用大剂量放射治疗癌症的医生(放射疗法).
  • 外科肿瘤学家: 通过从乳房和/或淋巴结切除肿瘤来治疗癌症的专家.
  • Reconstructive plastic surgeon: A surgeon who can reconstruct breasts using implants, abdominal tissue or both.
  • 放射科医生: A physician who interprets breast imaging studies.
  • 病理学家: A physician who examines tissue samples to diagnose disease.
  • 基因顾问: 对人们的遗传癌症风险进行评估和提供咨询的医学专家.
  • 心理咨询师: A medical professional who can help in coping with a cancer diagnosis.


From diagnosis to treatment to post-cancer care, UCLA Health’s 乳腺癌护理 program offers comprehensive services, 包括:

Early detection and diagnosis for breast cancer

A diagnosis helps us establish our plan. 我们使用最先进的技术在癌症最容易治疗的时候及早发现它.

  • 乳房成像: 使用成像工具来可视化肿瘤,如超声、2D和3D乳房x光检查和MRI.
  • 乳房活组织检查: 医生收集乳腺组织样本以评估是否患有乳腺癌的一种微创手术. 专家可以使用x射线(立体定向)、超声或MRI指导进行活检.


在高危乳房诊所, 我们的专家共同评估使女性更容易患乳腺癌的因素. 我们为BRCA1和BRCA2等基因的变化提供遗传咨询和测试. 了解更多有关 癌症遗传学项目 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心. 


Regardless of the diagnosis, we are here to help. We successfully treat a wide range of breast cancers, 包括:       

  • 腺癌(包括浸润性导管癌或小叶癌及癌前病变,如原位癌/DCIS): The most common form of breast cancer. 腺癌可起源于乳腺导管,如浸润性导管癌, or in the lobules of the breast as invasive lobular carcinoma. 乳腺癌形成并停留在乳管内,不会“侵入”乳管壁以外, 就像DCIS一样, is primarily managed with surgery with or without radiation. 最具侵袭性的癌症, 它们中的大多数继续表达正常的激素受体,如雌激素和黄体酮, and are susceptible to hormone blocking treatments. 约20%为“HER2+”,这是一种侵袭性的但高度可治疗的乳腺癌亚型,其特征是一种名为HER2的蛋白质“过度表达”," resulting in a more rapid growth rate of the cancer. Approximately 10% do not express any of these three receptors (estrogen, 孕酮, or HER2) and are so called "triple negative breast cancers," which can  often be aggressive and require different treatment approaches.
  • 炎性乳腺癌: 一种罕见的侵袭性乳腺癌,表现为乳房红肿等症状.
  • 男性乳腺癌: A rare form of cancer that usually occurs in the breast tissue of men.
  • 乳腺佩吉特病: An uncommon cancer type that affects the skin of the nipple or areola.


Our oncologists provide patients with lifesaving treatments, 包括: 

Medical breast cancer treatments

When it is indicated to treat your cancer with medicine, our specialists use the most cutting-edge, 以证据为基础的方法, 包括:

  • 抗激素治疗: Medications that block or lower specific hormones such as estrogen, that otherwise can lead to breast cancer growth when not blocked.
  • 化疗: Drugs that work by killing rapidly dividing cells. Because not all breast cancer is the same, 根据疾病的具体情况,许多患者不需要化疗.
  • 放射治疗: The use of high-energy X-rays to destroy cancer cells. 我们提供最先进的乳房放射技术,包括部分乳房放射. deep inspiratory breath hold, prone, IMRT and short-course breast radiation.
  • HER2靶向治疗: 针对“HER2阳性”乳腺癌的过度激活的HER2受体的药物. These are often used in combination with chemotherapy.
  • 免疫疗法: Medicines that work by harnessing the immune system to try to kill cancer cells. While immunotherapy does not work in all types of breast cancer, it seems to be most effective in select triple-negative breast cancers.
  • 临床试验: 对尚未向公众开放的有前景的新疗法进行研究.


你的护理团队将决定是否需要手术切除乳房中的癌症并降低复发的风险. We help you weigh your surgical options, which include:  

  • 乳房肿瘤切除术: Removing cancerous and abnormal breast tissue without removing the whole breast. 
  • 乳房切除术: 切除一个或两个乳房.
  • 淋巴结切除术: Removing either a few or many lymph nodes from under the armpit (the "axilla").


Breast reconstruction is a personal choice. 因为每个人都是不同的, our team offers consultations to discuss options, including forgoing reconstruction and “going flat.” We offer a full range of procedures, 包括:

  • 直接的重建: Inserting implants after your mastectomy, while you are still asleep.
  • 推迟重建: Placing implants in a separate procedure after you finish your cancer treatment.
  • Tissue-based reconstruction (flap surgery): 从你的腹部或身体的其他部位移植多余的皮肤和组织来打造自然的乳房. 
  • Nipple and areola reconstruction: Creating natural-looking nipples and areolas during an outpatient procedure. 医学纹身师也可以为你的乳房添加颜色,以改善乳房的外观.
  • Oncoplastic surgery/breast reduction surgery: 手术可以配合乳房肿瘤切除手术来重新排列和/或去除组织以达到最佳的美容效果.
  • 乳房切除术后“变平”: Creating a cosmetically acceptable flat chest wall after mastectomy.


Our accomplished specialists discover and deliver innovative cancer treatments. 你将接受肿瘤学家和外科医生的治疗,他们使用最先进的医疗技术, surgical and radiation techniques available.

虽然大部分团队都在韦斯特伍德和圣莫尼卡的主校区工作, many are based in the greater Los Angeles area and the Central Coast.



呼叫 888-662-8252 to request an appointment with a breast cancer specialist 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的乳房护理专家制定了一个个性化的计划来帮助你康复. For more information, reach a cancer care specialist at 888-662-8252